Our Life Zycle program provides people a great team building opportunity, to build a bike from scratch while having fun. Get your team in to high gear. Be ready with spanners, wrenches and a friendly competitive spirit. Let us help you build and donate a bike. Its time to see the joy when a kid gets his first bike.
Each year the Zycle team and hundreds of volunteers and participants come together for a day of work, friendly competition and play. Bikes come in parts and we rely on our volunteers to assemble and quality check every one of them. The kids bike race follows on a pro race course and are professionally timed. All kids receive participation medals. Post ride celebration includes food and live music.
Our grey matters program provides free helmets to kids in need and educates kids on helmet safety. We work with local schools, community leaders and law enforcement to set up "Grey Matter" days where we bring bike experts to teach kids on safe biking techniques, bike etiquette and help them understand how a helmet helps.
Do you have a passionate cause that you would like to raise awareness, donate and improve? Our "My CauZe" program lets you do just that. You pick your cause, select your beneficiaries and maximize your donations as long as you meet our guidelines.
Throughout the year, Zycle takes donations of new bikes from our sponsors and the community. The annual march madness event brings together hundreds of volunteers who donate their time to assemble bikes, preparing them for the distribution. Twice a year, the community comes together to distribute 200+ bikes to low income kids resulting in a whole lot of smiles.
Are you always looking for things to fix around the house? Are you good at putting together puzzle pieces? If you answered yes, then we need your help. Every year Zycle collects gently used kids bikes and hosts a fix up session where community volunteers come together to fix and tune up bikes before they are donated.